Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nanyang Polytechnic Open House 2011

Short Tour Of NYP


All You Need To Know About Mechatronic

Introduction to Mechatronics

Mechatronic & Robot

Course structure & Applications

Course Structure

Mechatronic students take courses from across the various fields listed below:
  • Mechanical engineering and materials science subjects
  • Electronic engineering subjects
  • Computer engineering subjects
  • Computer science subjects
  • Systems and control engineering subjects
  • Optomechanics (optical engineering) subjects
  • Robotics subjects



  • Machine vision
  • Automation and robotics
  • Servo-mechanics
  • Sensing and control systems
  • Automotive engineering, automotive equipment in the design of subsystems such as anti-lock braking systems
  • Computer-machine controls, such as computer driven machines like IE CNC milling machines
  • Expert systems
  • Industrial goods
  • Consumer products
  • Mechatronics systems
  • Medical mechatronics, medical imaging systems
  • Structural dynamic systems
  • Transportation and vehicular systems
  • Mechatronics as the new language of the automobile
  • Diagnostic, reliability, and control system techniques
  • Computer aided and integrated manufacturing systems
  • Computer-aided design
  • Engineering and manufacturing systems
  • Packaging

What is Mechatronic Engineering?

Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of Mechanical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Control engineering, and Systems Design engineering in order to design, and manufacture useful products. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary engineering system design, that is to say it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines.

For most mechatronic systems, the main issue is no more how to implement a control system, but how to implement actuators and what is the energy source. Within the mechatronic field, mainly two technologies are used to produce the movement: the piezo-electric actuators and motors, or the electromagnetic actuators and motors. Maybe the most famous mechatronics systems are the well known camera autofocus system or camera anti-shake systems.
Concerning the energy sources, most of the applications use batteries. But a new trend is arriving and is the energy harvesting, allowing transforming into electricity mechanical energy from shock, vibration, or thermal energy from thermal variation, and so on.