Sunday, January 16, 2011

Course structure & Applications

Course Structure

Mechatronic students take courses from across the various fields listed below:
  • Mechanical engineering and materials science subjects
  • Electronic engineering subjects
  • Computer engineering subjects
  • Computer science subjects
  • Systems and control engineering subjects
  • Optomechanics (optical engineering) subjects
  • Robotics subjects



  • Machine vision
  • Automation and robotics
  • Servo-mechanics
  • Sensing and control systems
  • Automotive engineering, automotive equipment in the design of subsystems such as anti-lock braking systems
  • Computer-machine controls, such as computer driven machines like IE CNC milling machines
  • Expert systems
  • Industrial goods
  • Consumer products
  • Mechatronics systems
  • Medical mechatronics, medical imaging systems
  • Structural dynamic systems
  • Transportation and vehicular systems
  • Mechatronics as the new language of the automobile
  • Diagnostic, reliability, and control system techniques
  • Computer aided and integrated manufacturing systems
  • Computer-aided design
  • Engineering and manufacturing systems
  • Packaging

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